I Have Good News! That’s right! I have very, very good news for ALL men! It is a message of hope! It is a message of Life!
An angel told Peter to go and tell the people the whole message of this life! The whole message of this life? What was that? What is that?
Put simply, I believe the whole message of this Life is summed up in Jesus the Christ! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! He is the good news! He is the full gospel!
This good news- the whole message of this life- is so good and so full. It is constantly increasing and bearing good fruit! As the Holy Spirit of God leads me through the scriptures, I see so many promises and so many blessings- So much good news! My friends, what was it that the Apostles preached? What was it that they were showing the people and offering to them? What is it that is being offered to us? What can we offer to others? Are we offering good news?
The angel proclaimed to the shepherds: “I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all people! For today, in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Good news of great joy! Good news for ALL people! Great joy for ALL people! Glory!
What is the good news that we are most familiar with? I would guess that most of us would say that through the blood of Jesus we have forgiveness of our sins. Yes, this is good news!
This is great news! We can be free from the awful feeling of guilt! We can be free from the awful weight of sin! Because of what Jesus did, we can now be holy and blameless and beyond reproach! This is the hope of the gospel. And it is good news indeed. But the good news does not end there! *More* awaits us as we enter into the whole message of this life. Jesus is so full and He does not end!
I could never within the pages of this writing unfold to you ALL that He is. I can only give a glimpse right here and now. But part of the good news is that you don’t need me too!
Part of the good news is that you need no man to teach you!
We can sit at the feet of Jesus- now!
We can sit at His feet and be taught.
What did Jesus do?
Jesus wiped out the law of commandments. He cancelled out the death certificate. He has taken it away and nailed it to the cross! Free! Free from the law and free from death!
Through this message- this good news of life- we are able to be complete- Complete, whole and made new! It is an amazing yet true fact that we died with Him. We were buried with Him. And we were raised with Him!
We are not only forgiven. We are not only set free. But we are a part of him. We are a part of what He did!
God being rich in mercy made us alive in Christ and seated us with Him in heavenly places! Heavenly places- now! Wow! We don’t have to wait… and wait… to “go to heaven” some day. We are in heavenly places- now! Can you see this? Can you feel it?
God used the apostles to bring to light that which had been a mystery! But it is a mystery no more! Christ in you is the hope of glory! We don’t have to travel to Jerusalem or wait for Him to come to us. He is here- now- in us and us in Him!
Christ may now dwell in our hearts by faith- His faith! There is a true wealth that comes- an understanding- a true knowledge of Christ HIMSELF!!! We can now KNOW Christ- Know Him!
All of us can now be sons of God! God can be our Father and we His children. Not only forgiven. Not only set free- But we can be a part of His family. And we can be a part of His body on this earth! He now lives and moves- through us!
The good news is that we can pass out of a life of darkness and into the kingdom of Light! We can be enlightened- we can see! We can be filled with light and be the light of the world! Whoa!
The good news is that we can have His wisdom! We no longer have to rely on our own ability to figure life out. We have His wisdom! We can know His power and be strengthened with it! His power is… very powerful! And it can be known- by us. Whew!
The whole message of this life is that we can now be rooted and grounded in love instead of hate. The God who is love- resides in us! Love multiplies! Love increases! Love is! We are able to know the depth of God’s awesome love- To know it! This is no small thing!
The good news is that we can now walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and please Him! And we can be filled with the knowledge of His will! We never have to doubt! We never have to wonder or wander.
Thank you, Lord.
The good fruit of His Spirit is able to abide in us and flow through us. We can be vessels- containers for His glory- Us!
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, meekness and faith can be a part of our very being! This fruit can be a part of our daily life. We never need to go hungry! It is fruit for the nations!
Oh! there is more- so much more. But go, look for it yourself in the scriptures. Approach the scriptures with the eye of the Spirit. Approach the scriptures with an ear open to hope. Look for Him to teach you and nourish you and fellowship with you. Go and enjoy the whole message of His life!