Friday, June 1, 2007

More and ever more

"More and ever more of Christ in our lives, more of dependence upon Him, is the remedy for every lack, the solution of every difficulty.”- Mrs. Hudson Taylor

It doesn't matter what the difficulty is, "more of Him" puts that
difficulty in the right perspective. The problems of life can grow
wonderfully dim when we abide in Him, look to Him, fully love Him and are filled with Him.

More of Him is the answer to whatever trial you're going through right now.
The trial doesn't necessarily go away when we have more of Him but it reduces the effect it has on our mind and heart. More of Him allows us to walk in victory, be calm and truly trusting in the midst of the storm. The trial will no longer scream at you and demand your devoted attention.

Sometimes more of Him WILL result in the trial going away. It goes away because God takes the trial away because He sees you've been proved and tried and He will allow something new to test you instead!

But, the truth is, some problems and trials need to stay around for a while. We learn so much from them. Sometimes God will say "my grace is sufficient for you' and the apparent lack or difficulty of the trial will continue. But, oh joy unspeakable and full of glory, you are a temple of Christ and you will endure. You will overcome, for His strength is made perfect in your weakness.

Sometimes when we find more of Him in our lives the difficulties and lack actually do disappear as we realize there hadn't been a difficulty or a lack after all but rather a simple temptation to look after self. There really wasn't an outside problem after all. WE were the problem. Once self is put where it should be, Christ can shine through and no shadow of sorrow remains.

Of course not all difficulties, problems and trials are like this. Some situations are REAL problems no matter what angle or perspective you look at it from. But the answer is still the same-
~More and ever more
of Christ in our lives. ~

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