Thursday, November 1, 2007

War Stories

How's the battle going?
Do you feel like you've had all that you can take
but then more came? That's my war story....

Theeeere I was... crawling along... tongue hanging out...
sun beating down... thinking I was done for... and here came more missiles!!!
I asked God to STOP those missiles but they just kept coming and coming and coming! I just didn't know how I could possibly battle in my weakened condition...

Well, I came to a place of realization that God was wanting me to learn a new level of warfare.
He's certainly not wanting me to fail.
He's wanting me to perk up and fight more aggressively and skillfully! Our Father doesn't want us to be the spoiled baby of the family that never has to do anything hard!
He wants us full of His Spirit and His wisdom.
He wants us strong and mighty in battle.
He wants us full of faith and confidence that we have been redeemed and that we shall triumph in HIM gloriously!

But... then that temptation comes to just crawl in a hole and let the battle pass by...
We peeeeeeek our head out of the fox hole... and guess what? There's the battle! Just waiting with its hands on its hips!
So, we might as well get it over with. Right?!

Dear soldiers, Jesus knows. He understands. He prayed that if it were the Father's will that the cup would pass from Him.
And although your battle may not be equal to a crucifixion,
it's still YOUR battle and it's making you sweat! It's hard!

Pour your heart out to Jesus and tell Him how scared you get at times. He's helped you before and He'll keep helping you.
But as we grow in Christ, there are times that it seems like He's left us to fight alone. But He hasn't. He said He'll never leave us or forsake us. That's a promise. But He wants every one of us to be mature and valuable soldiers in His kingdom and the only way that happens is to let us fight some battles- even hard ones- bloody ones! Where we even might get horribly wounded! Yikes!
But ~sigh~ we'll learn.

I wish I never had to learn things the hard way, but I have. Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered and so will I. And so will you. Let Him teach you how to war.

Farewell, comrades.
I'm praying for you.

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