Friday, June 1, 2007


Once again, God has spoken to me through His creation. God has taught me to be one to stop and "consider the ant' or the bee or whatever God brings my way. What I considered this morning was the sunrise... It was incredible! What made it so incredible was the fact that there were clouds surrounding it. There were all kinds of clouds, wispy ones, puffy ones, and the layered pastry kind too. The best sunrises and sunsets always have clouds in them. The clouds are filled with light and changing colors but a cloudless sunrise is... much less glorious. You just can't see as much color reflected.

Dear ones, the clouds that God has allowed in your life are for showing His light, His power and His glory. The Son will be reflected through you and through your life. Without those clouds.... He'll receive less glory.
Let Him shine through your clouds of circumstance. It's so much better that way.

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