Thursday, May 1, 2008


It was for freedom that Christ set you free.

Over the last couple years I've been amazed to find out that many who name the name of Christ, do so because they are afraid not to! What??? It's as if someone has put a gun to their back and they feel no option but to "be a Christian".


I cannot relate to that. He called me and I answered. It's a love relationship. I have never been afraid of God. I wasn't afraid of Him before I knew Him and now I'm really not afraid of him. I respect Him as a parent but I'm not afraid He will hurt me. He's not an abusive dad. He is my loving Father.

How about you? Did you come to the Father out of fear? Has your relationship been fear based? Do you cower under imaginary disapproval? Dear friends, God has not given us a spirit of fear! Jesus said, Fear not! God's ways are so much higher than that! He loves you and wants you to live an abundant life! He wants a relationship with you. Even if fear was a motivating factor in your life at the beginning, don't let it end there. Be free! Be free to love! And be free to BE loved!

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