Sunday, June 1, 2008

Man Shall Not Live On Bread Alone

Jesus said:

Man shall not live on bread alone but by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God.

For some reason, my attention had always focused on the first half of that sentence but recently, the Lord illuminated the second half. Am I living on every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God? What exactly does that mean? Because my attention was drawn to those words, I know the Lord wants me to do just that- live on every word which proceeds out of His mouth. Now I am waiting before Him to show me how to live by His words. I know I want it and I believe that when I have a spiritual longing for something, that longing was birthed there by Him- not me. And I know that His will will be done- is being done in my life.

Hmmmm, I think perhaps that I just "lived" by His words....

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