Friday, June 1, 2007


Are you resisting what God has allowed in your life?
Are you complaining against your circumstances?
Are you chaffing, pacing and to the point of tears?
I used to be that way too.
At times, I am still tempted to grumble and dispute with my life- with my God.
But I have learned that my troubles are a gift.
My trials are for my good.
Trials refine and conform me.
God wants me to be one with Him.

Dear friends in Christ, rest in what He's given you.
In everything give thanks,
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Rejoice evermore!

We would do well to remember Job.
He worshipped God in his affliction
and he didn't get to see the full picture like we do!
The story of Job is in the Bible for a reason.

Let's say to ourselves today:
Okay, this is it.
This is what I have to work with.
God hasn't made a mistake.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
I'm going to bless God today.
Let's go!
Let's praise Him, worship Him, love Him and move forward.
We'll forget any mistakes we've have made in the past because God has.
We'll do all things with out grumbling or disputing.
We were created to give Him glory in all circumstances and situations.
Our situation IS NOT unique or excluded.
Our life IS NOT an exception.
We are His workmanship, created for good works in Christ.

Embrace these truths and live a wonderful, glorious life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Holly!

Wonderful blog you have here. You are speaking here to my biggest problem. I have trouble waiting on the Lord, and I get impatient with Him and then try to fix my troubles MY way. And then, of course, I live to regret that. Trust and faith are so difficult to learn. I often feel like Peter when he stepped out of the boat to meet Jesus on the water. The world is just so distracting, I cannot keep my eyes only on Him and my troubles compound more and more. I pray often for strength of faith and I am trying to be more patient and understand it's all about God's time and not mine.

So, I will pray right now, "LORD! Grow me for your glory and my peace! Amen."

Your friend