Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Club

I haven’t done any research about the history of clubs but surely they’ve been around for a very long time. It is the tendency of man to surround himself with those of like mind. He wants to join hands with those people while enjoying and accomplishing something at the same time. This makes me think about the church as it is commonly known today. I think somewhere along the way, someone lost the way. Perhaps men couldn’t get their natural minds around what it means to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. (That’s like trying to grasp the wind.) Maybe they couldn’t naturally discern what it means to be Christ’s body either. Could it be that the true purpose and function of the church, also escaped their natural understanding? Did they substitute those glorious privileges and callings for something else- something they could grab hold of?

For some, an Old Testament temple type of ritual service was the answer. But for others, a club mentality was more to their understanding. Could it be your understanding too? Many today are searching and longing for the church that is just right for them- one that they can "belong" too. They have lists of questions that they ask themselves or others while they look. The questions asked about a club are very similar, if not exactly like the ones that people ask when looking for a church. Read through the club questions below while keeping the word “church” in your mental parenthesis. See what you think:

What club do you belong to?
Where do you meet?

What’s it like?

Can I bring my kids?

Is it fun?

Who’s the president?

Who’s on the board?

Who all goes there?

What do they wear?

Is it informal?

Do you think I’d fit in?

Do you have any information I can read about your club?

How many members do you have?

What do you have to do to join?

Are there any dues to pay?

What time do the meetings start?

Do you have to go to all the meetings?

How long has the club been around?

What are the by -laws?

How do I know if your club is the one for me?

How is it any better than the one I’m a member of now?

(Oh… and by the way) what is the purpose of your club?

And that now leads me to ask a question of my own.
What is the purpose of the church?

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