Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm Ready For You, August! I Think...

What do you think? Does this look hot?
Does it look like August?
Well friends, I'm bravely facing August with the courage of a lioness!
I can do this!
I can be bold and courageous!
And you can, too, my friends.
It doesn't matter what you're facing-
the Lord and I are cheering for you and you can do all things through Christ!

If it crosses your mind to leave a comment today, I love hearing from you!
Please, don't be shy!
Even if you just say a quick howdy, it blesses me!
It's so nice to know that someone is there.
It encourages me to keep writing.

If this is your first visit with To know Him More, This is my opening post for the month and any new blog entries will appear directly below this one as the month progresses.

Please note that all the photos on this blog were taken by talented people across the Internet but I am not one of them. :>


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Holly! Lovely blog! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me! It is sooo hot here in TX, too!

Angelic Accents

Holly said...

Thanks, Stephanie! I'm enjoying visiting with all you wonderful ladies. I am becoming more and more inspired every day.

I lived in SE Texas for 11 years. Since then, I have never had a desire to visit a sauna. :>

SweetAnnee said...

Hi Holly
I'd love to send you some Hollyhock
seeds..they'll be ready soon
Just send me your mailing info


Holly said...

Thanks, Deena!


That will be fun!

Rosy Inspiration said...

Oh, thank you for your lovely comment in my blog. I just thought I'd come and check you out, haha! I'm blessed by you, your writing and pictures which are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Kelly said...

That post was simply put! Don't we all just love to hear a *hello* or *I am praying for ya today* or an * I might live states away but I am going through the same thing or feeling the same thing*
So this is my hello to you new dear blogging friend!!! may you be abundantly blessed today!!!


Holly said...

Hi ya, Kelly!

So good to see you! I thought I had left a comment on your blog about Grace Livingston Hill but now I can't find it... Maybe it's too early in the day. :>

Thanks for the blessing!

~Hugs and hearts~

cherry said...

Hi HOlly...found you from over at Allison Gibbs. Your photographer is beautiful. I love the watermelon. I love the sentiments you write and lifting Christ up and giving him thanks for everything. I love the hot weather...we live in an area that gets sooo much snow during the winter. I will be back to visit. cherry

Holly said...

Hello, Cherry!

Shhh don't tell but I'm supposed to be getting ready for bed (my orders) but I just have to check mail one more time and then check out one more blog and then...


I hopped over to yours real quick but I'll go back and see you in the morning.

Oh no! There's my timer!

Good night!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Picking berries sounds wonderful. Actually EATING them suonds even better! We have been enjoying june berry pie and I just bought some homemade raspberry freezer jam. Beautiful picture. I have spent a lot of time walking on my farm lately and enjoying the beauty around. Thanks again for the visit. PS: You write beautifully.

candy said...

Good morning Holly! (Its mid morning in Alberta right now) :)
I was wondering if maybe you would write a post on your blog about how you become a Christian, like a testimony. I always love reading about other peoples testimonies.


Holly said...

Hi, Ele!

I guess I must not know what a June berry is... Maybe I do but I call it by a different name?

I love walking around our little place here but this morning it was too humid for me...

Thanks for the PS!

~ Hearts~

Holly said...

Hello, Pretty Day Candy!

( I smile every time I read your blessing!)

I'm having my 1:0clock coffee break. M-mmmm It's strong and sweet with vanilia flavoring- my last cup of the day...

Well, Candy, I like to read testimonies, too! You can find my 4(yes ~blush~ read it 4) part testimony, The Heathen Hippy Child, here on my blog starting in Dec. 07. Just look there in the side bar. It was really difficult for me to write because I wanted it to be written perfectly but I'm not there yet. ;> So I just threw it out there all vulnerable and subject to revision at any time.

Have a joy filled day, my friend!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Hi Holly,

So happy you found my blog ~ I Love when new people stop by & leave a comment, then I am able to find them & check out their blog too, Love the pics, really enjoy the lovely photo of the slice of watermelon ~ Yum, I am on a diet & can't have watermelon (too high in sugar content) oh darn, what is summer without watermelon.....
I have bookmarked your blog, I will be back
have a great evening

Holly said...

Hi Cheryl!

it's fun meeting other bloggers- isn't it?

The Watermelon photo was exactly what I had in mind when I went looking for it. I love finding the photos for my blog- even if I didn't take them.

So, you don't get to have watermelon, huh? Boo- Hoo! I'd find a different diet! :> Actually, I've found a great one. I can eat whatever I want and I just swim, swim, swim, every day! It's GREAT. :D

Sweet dreams!

Peta said...

Hi Holly, thanks for visiting my blog. You have some lovely images on yours :) Peta

Holly said...

Hi, Peta!

Glad you sopped over! I sure do like your Pink and green!

Pink Slippers said...

Thanks for stopping by and the sweet comments. Here in California its foggy so much in summer. Yuck. I just started homeschooling for the first time to my 8 year old and guess what I actually love it. I was so scared before. God sure met me there and has helped me.

Holly said...

Hi, Pink!

Well... I'm originally from the PNW of WA so I know all about fog! Ha! It's actually foggy here in Virginia today, too.

I've been homeschooling for 15 years. It was/is very good for my family. I do have my days though, when I feel ready to retire but then there are those lovin' it days, too. Relaxing is the key and not worrying about what "THEY" think or what "THEY" do, do, do. Just be you and have fun.


~ Hugs and Flowers~

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Holly, so nice to meet you and thank you for your kind comment. You have a lovely blog and I have enjoyed my visit. I am having a giveaway and just posted something new. If you can stop back to enter it would be an honor.
Blessings, Celestina
la rea rose

Holly said...

Hi, Celestina Marie!


What a lovely and artistic name you have....

Thanks for coming by and telling me about your give away! Us girls love presents don't we? :>

I'm having so much fun visiting all these inspiring blogs! You should see all the projects I've started! Ha!

Have a happy and creative day!

Dena said...

What a lovely post :) Thank you for visiting me and for your sweet comments.


Holly said...

You're welcome, Dena!

Swaddlecottage... That's such an adorable name!

~ Similes and waves~

Holly said...

Hi, Rosy!

(If you're still out there!) I read your comment when you first wrote it but somehow, I didn't get it published till this morning! I'm still figuring out the whole "comment" thing!

Well, thank you for stopping by. I love your roses. I can almost smell them when I go to your blog!

~ Blissfully Floats Away Waving~


Donna Lynn said...

We are having a cooler August then June and July, very wierd, but I like it!!!

Hope your having a blessed Sunday!
Donna Lynn

Holly said...

Hi, Donna Lynn!

Thanks, I am blessed- indeed!

Well, we've had a cool front come through as well and it feels soooo good! Thank you , Lord!

~ Sighing With Contentment~

Virginia said...

HI Holly, Thanks for stopping to visit me. You have a very sweet post. May your heart be always light and joyful. Many Blessings, Virginia

Holly said...

Thank you, Virginia! I'll sure take that blessing. :>

~ Hugs~

Unknown said...

Hi is very nice to meet you. Thankyou for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your August posts and couldn't agree more with all of their messages. There is so much joy to be had in this life if we know Him personally and don't get weighed down by misinterpreted thoughts on doctrines. I have never been very eloquent in the way I write but I'm sure you know what I mean.
A joyous day to you, Angela.
I'll be back to read more of your thoughts.

Holly said...

Thank you, Angela with the pretty white flower house! :> A joyous day to you, too!

ANC said...


This is my first visit to your blog and I really like it! Could you perhaps write a post on why you believe so strongly in God? I'm an atheist (agnostic at most) and would really like to know.

Thanks! Keep writing! :)

Holly said...

Well hello there, "chaos" :>

Thank you for the encouragement to keep writing. That's very kind of you!

Let's see... There's over a year's worth of blog entries here that would touch on the subject of why I believe so strongly in God but maybe my little 4 part biography, The Heathen Hippy Child, would give you the best idea. If you look on my side bar, you'll find the archives of past posts. If you click on Dec. 07, you will find part one with the other 3 parts in Jan- March.

Please feel free to ask any questions!

I do KNOW that God is real and that He loves you very, very much! I hope you can feel it and I hope you have an amazingly, incredible day!

CatieAn said...

hi Holly
Thank you for stopping by my blog. Isn't it interesting how God leads us to read what He wants us to?

I am so glad that those kind people took you in and took care of you without harm. I have always felt God speaking to me when his 'downtrodden' appear before me.

Both of us have tried very hard to be good examples to our children and have watched them do things that make our hearts smile. Our kids are 32 31 30 28 and have evolved into the most wonderful adults. They are always aware of others and are so caring and compassionate.

I have spent the last while immersed in your blog....all the beauty and faith is so inspiring.
I grew up in spokane and still live there! right now am visiting child #4 and her family in mid state new york.
I plan on coming back often. Please visit me again.

Holly said...

Hello, friend Catie!

I wasn't sure if you'd see my comment since it was on an older post. Sometimes those comments can sneak past us!

We recently had a visit from our #2 child and it was so good to see him! I hope you'll enjoy your visit with your #4!

I will definitely visit you again!

~ Hearts~

The Farrier's Daughter said...

Hi Holly,
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the nice comment. The photos on your blog are Amazing! Such tallent you have.


Holly said...

Hi, Lindsey! Oh my blush! The photos aren't mine! I guess I should start putting that at the top evey month or in my profile... All my photos are taken froma photo sharing site. But I often do have a photo in my mind that I want and then I go look for it. Does that count? Ha! Thanks for coming by. :>

Tracy said...

Hi Holly! Thanks so much for the sweet comment. It's always great to meet new bloggers!! I love your photos. You are quite talented!

Unknown said...

Hi Holly! Beaautiful opening post this month! I always get sad in August because I dont want summer to end. This year, I am just trying to enjoy it!


Joyfulsister said...

Aloha Holly..
I came over to introduce myself to you. I saw your comment on Kelly's blog and wanted to drop by and say hello!! I'm from Hawaii and the picture you posted above reminds me of our sunrises and sunsets, and of course that beautiful Hibicus Flowers that grows every where here. It is so awesome to meet new sistah's in the Lord. Please come over and visit okay my door is always open and I will be back to visit with you as well. Hugz Lorie

Holly said...

Hi, Shabby Addict! Glad you stopped by but I can't take the credit for the photos! ~ Blush~ From now on, I'll state that fact in my opening post. :>

Holly said...

Hi, Amy! Good to see you. I missed you! ~Smile~

It almost seems like we are having an early Autumn... So unusual.

Hugs back atcha!

Holly said...

Hi, Lorie! Love your screen name! Thanks for coming by and introducing yourself. I'd be glad to go by and visit you, in fact *I think* I already have but I didn't leave a comment yet. I'm loving meetings all these new blogging sisters, too.

It must be incredible for you to have Hibicus bushes growing everywhere! I have 2 bushes blooming right now. They sure are pretty! I try to upload photos of whatever is blooming in my yard and neighborhood each month but again, the photos aren't mine. Maybe some day!

Have a beautiful day,Joyful sister!!

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Hi there,
It was so nice of you to pop by my newly created blog!
Like you it will inpire me to kep on going.
Boy,I so love seeing a comment!..Yay!
You Blog is soo thought provoking..Well done,
Take Care

Holly said...

Hi back atcha cupcake! ;>

I love the way you designed your blog... Good job!

Like you, I also feel like I'm living my dream come true. I'm so happy in my little home with my loving family.

Watch out for those cows!


sweetmemorymakingmom said...

Hello Holly. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I know I will eventually get the French Knot! I should pray and ask that I be able to make them. Who better to get advice from! I am a firm believer in Christ too! I love your blog full of his richness. THe photos are beautiful too. Please visit me again. I like having people say hi. Especially, because this is new to me. Ellen

Holly said...

Hi sweet Ellen!

You're probably like me and need someone to show you how to make one in person but maybe not. I can't follow a diagram very well... actually, hardly at all! :> Ha! Well, we all have our strengths and weaknesses- right?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll be sure to hop back over to your blog, too.

God bless you!

Kay Martin said...

Your photography is breath taking. Your poetry actually sings. What a way to start my day. Thank you and know that this is a blessing for me.

Holly said...

God bless you, Kay! Thanks for stopping by. The photos on this blog ARE breath taking aren't they, but they're not mine. :>

Poetry? Well, I never really considered my writing to be poetry but thank you!

In the presence of the Lord there is joy forever more!
Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord
Oh my soul!

Rhondi said...

Hi Holly
I'm glad my new kitchen colors gave you some ides. Make sure you show us some pictures!
Hope you have a great wekend!
Hugs, Ehondi

Holly said...

Hi, Rhondi!

I've only had a digital camera since Christmas and I'm still learning how to use it. Most of what I've learned so far, my 10 year old has taught me. Go figure! Ha!

I think it would be great fun to have a deco/crafting blog but this one will stay a devotional only. Hmmmm... another dream for the future maybe? :>

You have a great week end, too, Rhondi! I'm sure ready for mine.

~ Hearts, Hugs and Flowers~

Diane Shiffer said...

holly.. thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog- your comment was just so sweet:)

your blog looks like a treasure trove.. i'll most certainly be back!

Holly said...

Hi, Diane!

Thanks for stopping by! Do you know what I think is so incredibly cool? In Christ- each one of us is a treasure trove! Glory!

~ Ha- ha!~

Tracy said...

Thank you for introducing me to your blog! I know I will love reading yours- you have some great photos and wonderful messages ; )

Holly said...

You're welcome, sweet addict!

Christie said...

Hi Holley! It's so nice to meet you...your blog is beautiful! I will be stoppig by frequently. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you have a great day....God Bless you!


Holly said...

Thank you, Queenie Christine! You have a great day too!

~ Hearts~

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Holly, Just stopping back again to say hello and thank you for stopping by my anniversary post and giveaway with your well wishes.
Blessings always, Celestina
la rea rose

Holly said...

You're welcome, Celestina! Thank you for stopping by too!

Have a happy day!

~ Hearts~

Christie said...

Hey Holly! I was so glad to see you coming over today, for Pink Saturday...I really loved the Notebook movie too. It was so sweet, glad you shared your thoughts with me about it too. Have a great day... God Bless you sweet lady!

Holly said...

Hi, Queenie! I love Pink Saturday. I really must bite the bullet and learn how to take close ups with my digital!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

~ Hearts~

Miss Gracie's House said...

Hi Holly, thanks soo much for the *visit*. Beautiful, inspiring blog! The pictures are beautiful even if you didn't take them~thye fit with the words soo well-a very artisitc addition!
I just read your testimony-isn't God amazing?!!!

Holly said...

Hi, Rene!

Thank you for the kind words and thank you for reading my testimony. Yes, God truely is amazing! I had a lovely visit at your blog this morning! I'm so glad that the Lord has given you a talent that you love using.

Have an incredible day!

~ Hearts~

Beth at Aunties said...

Holly, I guess you ccan tell I am a regular visitor and reader of your blog and find it inspiring. Everyday I set aside time to study his word and try each day, as you do, to become more like my Savior. I love him dearly and am so grateful for him. Thanks for having such an inspiring blog for all to come, visit for a while, no matter which denomination we all are.
I noticed you reside in beautiful VA where we have two sons in dental school at VCU. We are coming out in a few weeks and taking our grandchildren to the Williamsburg area where we love learning all the history there. Last time we were out to see our grandchildren was last November.. which was too long ago.. Do you have suggestions of other places we should make a point in visiting?


Holly said...

Hi, Beth! So glad you've been coming by to visit. I'm glad you enjoy your time here. I didn't know you were coming by regularly... I just found out you had me linked on your blog. It's really fun to find out someone "linked" you! Ha!

Let's see- as far as VA sight seeing goes, I will admit we haven't explored much yet. Although we have been here about 2 years, we've moved 7 times in 10 years and we just don't feel like going anywhere! We do have some local parks in our area where we like hang out but we haven't made it over to the colonies yet. We plan on going when our son is a couple years older and will get more out of it.

Thanks for the thanks and- you're welcome!

~ Hearts~

our shabby cottage said...

Hi Holly, thanks for visiting me. And, thank you for your lovley comments. By the way, that photo does look hot! Kathryn.

Holly said...

Hi, Kathyrn with the cute pink stuff! You're welcome for the visit and thank you for visiting me! Well, last August was so hot here but this August? Nope! Fine by me! :>

Have fun creating!