Monday, October 20, 2008

Be Free From Condemnation!

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death!

Your heads are hanging too low my friends!

Lift up your heads!

Feeling guilty and condemned only slows you down.

His cleansing is thorough, complete and lasting.

Receive it and believe it!

~ Hearts ~


Picket said...

Morning is nice to 'meet' you! Beautiful post girl....sometimes our biggest problem is forgiving ourselves...we tend to be our own worst enemy at times...I am a true believer in exhorting others to Know God In all His Glory,,,there is nothing like feeling God breath on your soul and knowing that He knows your name....thanks so much for coming by Burly Boys are one of my greatest treasures from God....Satan tried to destroy them many a time when they were younger...but oh sweet Lord, God bared His arm and showed himself strong...I don't know how people live without knowing God...take care my friend and have a beautiful week!

Holly said...

Thanks for the encouragement, picket! ~ Hearts ~

I usually respond to comments as soon as I publish them but since being back from my trip, I'm a bit unorganized... OR SOMETHING! :>

I've also been sleeping like a log-playing catch up I guess!

Hope you have a great day full of the love of our Father!

Christie said...

Hey Holly!
We are free indeed! Thanks for the beautiful post!

Holly said...

You're welcome, Queenie!

Guilt can be such a heavey burden. Thank God for freedom from it!