Thursday, October 23, 2008

Are You Convinced Of God's Love?

Are you convinced of God's love?
Do you think that He loves you, BUT...
No! He loves you, PERIOD.

He loves you.
He loves you.
He loves you.

Please believe it.
It's amazing how everything seems to fall into place when we are convinced of His love.
It's then even easier to love others, too.


gin said...

I enjoyed your writings. It was good to come across your blog at just the right moment to stop and reflect on God during a busy day.

Holly said...

Thanks, Gin! Nice to meet you!

~ Hearts ~

Christie said...

Beautiful always!

Holly said...

Thanks, Queenie!

Part of the reason I am convinced of God's love is because I see God's love in you!


The Little Miss said...

haha ur funny! Goo gaga! Im glad we are friends! :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful Holly. I admit, there are times when I have not felt worthy of his love. It is something I NEED to work on.


Jessica Rodarte said...

Some days it's hard to believe that we would have such a loving creator, but I know it's true. :)

Holly said...

Good morning, girls! So nice to wake up to 3 comments this morning!

Priscila, I'm glad we're friends and that we can gaga together, too! (Everyone, check out Priscila's blog to find out why!) ;>

Amy, Just ask God to reveal His love to you. Let HIM do the work. He likes it! :>

Scrappin', Thanks for stopping by! I pray that every day it will become *easy* for you to believe that we have a loving creator. Choosing to focus on the positives in life rather than the negatives, really helps!

Have a great day, everyone!

Anonymous said...

Appreciated this post, Holly. I know this, but I still need to KNOW it. If you know what I mean :).


Holly said...

Hi, Andrew!

I think I know what you mean.... Maybe you want to fully experience it consistantly? :>

SweetAnnee said...

love your blog post
the tree shows us God's love

Holly said...

It does, doesn't it Deena!? His love is everywhere if we have eyes to see!

Thanks again for the seeds!