Monday, October 6, 2008

Down With The Shoulds!

Do you hear yourself saying things like this:

"I know I should, but I don't."

Well, I say, Down With The Shoulds!
My friend, SHOULD can become a terribly heavy burden!
Jesus wants you to walk in freedom.
Let's leave the shoulds up to Him.


The Little Miss said...

hey, I wanted to see how you are doing! I hope everything is going great! Amazing pictureS!

Holly said...

Hi, Priscila!

Thanks for checking on me.
~Hearts ~

I'm finally more excited than nervous! Yay!

One Shabby Old House said...

But I really SHOULD tell you this is a great post!

Holly said...

Ha-ha, Becky! Thanks!

Love your blogs! Your hallway re-do is great!

~ Hearts ~

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

You know I never thought of it that way.....I agree....down with the it....
Mo :-)

Deb said...

Hi Holly....thanks for stopping by my blog today! :)


Holly said...

Hi Mo and Debbie!

I'm leaving on a jet plane today! Sure will miss being on the blogs with all you sweet girls!

~ Hearts ~