Sunday, June 1, 2008


Do you think this is a good photo choice for June?
All the leaves are in...
They are fresh, full, clean and full of life!
They are ready for the heat of Summer and I have to believe that I am, too.

Summer is not an easy time for me...
Some people struggle through the long Winter but not me.
I'd take Winter over Summer any day!
If you think of me, please pray that the Lord would make me brave and strong.

Feel free to leave a comment on any of the posts this month or on any older posts, too. Even if you just want to say, "Hi." I'd love to know you're there.

Never forget that you are loved and accepted of the Father! He wants a relationship with you and me.

Are You Hungry?

If you are hungry, is it because YOU decided to be be hungry?

Posting Order So I Can Use This Photo. :>

If this is your first time to visit this blog, I post in somewhat of a monthly format.

I put up a fresh batch of posts on the first of the month but then usually add at least a couple more as the month progresses. My new posts will be inserted underneath my introduction for the month.
Be blessed in His love!

Are You Struggling?

Are you struggling? Well of course you are! Who isn't? But is that really such a bad thing? There is a struggling that is mentioned in the scriptures, but there it is called "wrestling". Let's talk about wrestling:

When my sons were very young, my husband and I would wrestle with them. It was great fun in those early years, but as the boys grew in strength and stature, we had to give up wrestling because, well, we would get hurt! We left the boys to wrestle with one another! And yes, sometimes (often) they would get hurt, too.

Just what is wrestling anyway? Simply put, wrestling is a vigorous, tiring, struggle with an opponent. The object of the activity is to force your opponent to the ground and keep him pinned there. It's a struggle! It's not like taking a leisurely walk or even a jog. It’s a strenuous activity, and it isn't easy!

Eph. 6:12 says, “we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places“.

Now, whether this wrestling is the same type I’m acquainted with or not, I’m not sure but it does sound like some sort of exertion.

2 Cor.10: 45 Mentions weapons and war.

Eph. 6:11 Lists some armour.

1 Pt. 4:12 Speaks about a fiery trial.

That all sounds a bit... uncomfortable!
Wrestling, weapons, battles, and trials;
the scriptures mention all these and more for the Christian.
That sounds rough and painful- like someone could get hurt!

Friends, sometimes in a wrestling match, it appears as if you're winning,
then it seems your opponent is winning, then it's you, then it's your opponent again. But if it seems you're too often on the bottom, don't GIVE UP in defeat!

I Pt. 5:8 reads, “your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”.

That “whom” is referring to US!

So comrades, be strong IN THE LORD and in the power of His might! (Eph. 6:10)

Now, as I suggested earlier, are we maybe looking at struggling in the wrong light? Wrestling is not a sign of defeat but an active part of the Christian's life. Wrestling is a struggle; but we win! Through Christ Jesus, we've already won! Yes, there’s fire, there's tests, and there's war, but the other side of the story is that we can do all things through Christ, which strengthens us. (Phil. 4:13)

We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. (Rom. 8:37)

He does give us the victory! (1 Cor. 15:57)

I wrestle... I'm not going to hang my head and confess that I'm "just struggling" anymore, because I do wrestle, and not I, but Christ WINS!

Man Shall Not Live On Bread Alone

Jesus said:

Man shall not live on bread alone but by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God.

For some reason, my attention had always focused on the first half of that sentence but recently, the Lord illuminated the second half. Am I living on every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God? What exactly does that mean? Because my attention was drawn to those words, I know the Lord wants me to do just that- live on every word which proceeds out of His mouth. Now I am waiting before Him to show me how to live by His words. I know I want it and I believe that when I have a spiritual longing for something, that longing was birthed there by Him- not me. And I know that His will will be done- is being done in my life.

Hmmmm, I think perhaps that I just "lived" by His words....

The Seekers

The Father seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth.

The Son came to seek and save that which was lost.

With all this seeking going on, how can you lose, my friend?
Don't worry! You are being pursued! And the pursuer never looses!

Hearing From Him

And they were saying to the woman, It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world." (John 4:42)

There comes a time when one must believe because of what the Lord speaks to them personally. What we've heard from others might hold us for a little while but when and if a crises comes our way, it is His words we will cling too.

Seek Him today.

Ageless Time

When I was a young girl, say 11 years old, I made a vow to myself. I vowed that I would NEVER forget what it was like to be a child and not be taken seriously! I felt trapped in a child’s body. I remember one particular incident that illustrates this well.

My elementary school was scheduled to hold it’s end of the year games at the the local high school. I was so embarrassed to be traveling there with my school mates. I couldn't tolerate the thought of one of those high school students seeing me and thinking that I was one of the children! Ha!

Age and time are so strange... My sister in law was older than I was and unlike me, she had been raised "in church". She knew many verses of scripture and she was used of the Lord to help draw me to Him. My sister in law wanted to help me so she had previously given me a Bible and had hoped that I would read it. But, I had no interest in reading it until after I told the Lord I needed Him and He then entered in to sup with me and changed me. Well, after I began reading the Bible, to her surprise, I began to explain it to her! How could that be? It could be because life in Christ is ageless. When He is in us and lives through us, we see that reflected according to His will, not according to our age. Have you ever heard a young child say something profound?

I sum all this up to say- I don't care how old you are or who you are. God can speak through you. Does He want to speak to me through you? Maybe He does...


I wanted to show all of you one of my favorite places in Virginia- Cascade Falls. It's a 2 mile uphill hike to get there but it's worth it. The falls are not as high as some in my home state of Washington but any water fall - no matter how big or how small will receive my appreciation.

When I'm out in nature, I'm able to just hang out with my creator in a very natural and fun way. We don't even have to talk, we just enjoy together. I hope you can experience that, too. Just hang out with your God and appreciate what He's done. It's a very spiritual worship.

A Season Of Rest

I was recently asked what season I was in. Here's my answer:

I have been in a season of rest; spiritual and physical. The Lord had to tell me repeatedly that I needed the rest before I would believe Him. And even now, He will occasionally confirm it for me by speaking the same word to me through others. This rest has resulted in a deeper time of knowing Christ more and knowing Him as my everything. There have been very few mountain top experiences in this season but yet, this has helped me in a way I never would have expected! It has added a much needed peace that was lacking in my life.

In this rest, I have also come to accept and know myself more. I've also come to accept other people from all walks of life and to love them more than I ever thought possible.

I have a loving Father and He knows just what I need!
He knows what you need, too.

Do You Wish You Could Sin, Sin, Sin?

Do you do certain things or refrain from doing certain things because you are afraid you will be hurt by God? When you live what looks like a "good" life, are you STILL afraid of being hurt by God? Do you think that a good reason to live a good life is because you hope to be rewarded at the end of your earthly life instead of punished? Are you secretly wishing you could sin as much as you wanted yet "get away" with it? I often wonder what it is that people wish they could do instead of "being a Christian"... What is it? Is it better than life, freedom and peace?

Is there something you want to do but you don't?
I guess I put sin in the same category as death, darkness and misery.
As someone who has been rescued, I can tell you -I don't want it! It's not fun!
I had my fill of it! I promise you, there's no joy in it!
Guilt, shame, rejection, emptiness and confusion-
that's what sin brings. Sin brings death and darkness. Death brings grief, misery and pain!

For any of you who secretly wish you could sin all you want to,
I plead with you to embrace your Savior and experience freedom from sin and freedom from fear. Enter into a relationship with your Spiritual Father and find out what true living is all about! When we are abiding in Him, we will want to do what He does! Not only that but He will live His life through us!
I want true living!
True living is about truth, light, life, and love!
Its pure, clean and bright!
Life in Christ is about joy, righteousness, and peace!
It's refreshing and renewing and cleansing!
It's about an exchanged life- death for life!
It's an excellent trade!

We don't HAVE to be Christians.
We have the privilege of being one with the God of all creation!
We have been given a precious gift- not a prison sentence!
Be free! Free from sin and free from fear!
Enter into the joy of the Lord!
Rejoice in it! Embrace it!
It is yours!

The Promise Of Fruit To Come

We have Blackberry blooms just like these, all over our property. I love to look at them. They are so clean and bright and pretty. And they are a promise; a promise of fruit to come.

Are you feeling low because you don't see more fruit in your life? Don't grow weary, my friend! His burden is light and He is a Master gardener. He IS bringing forth fruit in your life.

He knows what He is doing and it's not up to you. You don't have to figure everything out. Just let him do His work.

The Traveler/Joy

The Traveler/Joy
by Don Francisco

The day dawned in confusion like a nightmare with no end
Tired and dreary colors- ragged hopes that wouldn't mend
The grief and fear of death just seemed to hang across the sky
And the pain just kept on burnin' tho' the tears had all been cried

We were talking as we journeyed toward a quiet country town
When another traveler asked us why we seemed so sad and down
It was like a dam that burst inside as I spoke my grief and woe
Amazed that someone leavin' there could somehow still not know

But the Traveler called us foolish men and dull and slow of hearts
And He showed us from the scriptures God had planned it from the start
But it wasn't till the evening that our eyes were opened there
And we knew that it was Jesus when he vanished in the air

We rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others there
They said, "Peter's seen Him too"
There was excitement everywhere
Nearly shouting to each other as the realization grew
When all at once He spoke to us "Peace be unto you."

We started back in terror, for His radiance filled the place
The light was all around Him and was shining from his face
But then He smiled a smile of love that left no cause for doubt
And then because He knew our hearts
He spoke our feelings out

"Why are you so troubled?
Why are you in fear?
See my hands and see My feet
I Myself am here
Reach out now and handle Me until you've all been shown
My life is more than Spirit, for I'm here in flesh and bone"

Some lifted hands toward heaven -and then knelt without a sound
Some just stood and stared at Him- as if rooted to the ground
But I could not contain the joy that flooded heart and soul
It came rushing out in praises; I had no wish to control

Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Jesus is the Lord of all
Jesus is the Lord of all
Jesus is the Lord of all
We have been redeemed!

Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Jesus is the Lord of all
Jesus is the Lord of all
Jesus is the Lord of all
We have been redeemed!

Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!

Jesus is the Lord of all
Jesus is the Lord of all
Jesus is the Lord of all
We have been redeemed!